If you’re not able to move everyone in your office to a temporary location during your remodel, you’re going to going to have to work with the noise, the dust and the confusion. We’ve put together a few tips to help you manage this exciting yet frustrating time.

How to Survive Your Office Renovation




You’ve decided it’s time for an office renovation! New paint colors on the walls, an updated bathroom

and an open-office design, while incorporating plenty of quiet-work space. But if you’re not able to move everyone in your office to a temporary location during your remodel, you’re going to going to have to work with the noise, the dust and the confusion. We’ve put together a few tips to help you manage this exciting yet frustrating time.

Keep the Information Flowing

First, remind your staff and clients although the noise and debris may seem endless, it’s temporary! To keep anxiety to a minimum, communicate with your workers verbally, through your company web site and via signage posted in common areas. Make it clear to them the company’s vision, the purpose of the office renovation and how it will improve their work environment.

To help your employees cope, try to:

Second, keep your clients informed. Depending on your type of business, you may want to send your clients a letter informing them of the office renovation, how the changes will positively benefit them, if parking will be impacted and where to look on the company website for more information and updates. Placing “Pardon Our Construction” signs at public entrances would remind clients you’re aware of the inconvenience it may be causing them and how the improvements will positively impact them

Contain the Dust

This is easier said than done! It will be hard to escape the dust from sanders, electric saws and spray paint. To help limit the amount of dust that may travel from the work site, make sure it’s included in your construction contract that barriers such as heavy plastic sheeting or compression-fit temporary walls must be in use for the duration of the project. If possible, have your contractor fit equipment to filter dust.

To try to minimize the impact of dust on your office:

To make the process easier for you and your personnel you might want to decide if some of your staff can temporarily work from home. This would be a good option for those members of your company who suffer with breathing issues.

Keep Everyone Motivated

Because there will be construction delays and client and employee grumbling, keep the atmosphere positively charged. At different stages remind the staff of what the newly remodeled office space will look like. Post different phases of the office reconstruction next to the renderings of the completed work spaces showing fresh paint colors, shiny fixtures, restored or new furniture, lush plants and natural light.

Occasionally, create diversions with special days set aside for a variety of food trucks or host an off-site event, or happy hour. Celebrate successfully completed deadlines with a company party. Create stickers or novelty pins that claim, “I survived the first, second, third week, or X phase of our office renovation!” You could post photos of employees touring the construction site and giving thumbs up in their half completed office spaces. Most of all, keep reminding everyone, it’s only a temporary situation!

Tom White


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