Front desk with sign behind

Highlights for Children



Highlights for Children


Columbus, OH




Highlights brought in Indecca for comprehensive upgrades of all common areas to create a winning first impression and maintain employee morale.

Front Desk: To create a welcoming and contemporary first impression, we refinished the desk and added a fresh coat of paint.

Lobby Ceiling: We replaced all the ceiling tiles to upgrade the look of the lobby.

Concrete: For improved safety and external appearance, we repaired cracks and damage to existing sidewalks.

Stairwell: We updated the look and safety features of the stairway by painting, installing stair treads and toe kicks, updating handrails and installing new cove base.

Water Coolers: Employees now enjoy a safe, touchless water cooler station with the added convenience of bottle fillers.

Conference Room: Innovation and collaboration among employees is easier after removing outdated wallpaper, repairing the drywall, and painting the walls and trim.

Ice Maker: With a newly furnished touchless ice maker system, employees can safely avoid cross-contamination.

Kitchen: Employees can now enjoy lunch breaks with newly installed countertops, sink, and touchless faucets, then re-finish cabinets

Restrooms: We upgraded the restrooms by remodeling and install new countertops, sinks, and toilet partitions, and adding a fresh coat of paint to the walls.

  • Architectural & Engineering
  • Carpentry
  • Ceilings
  • Concrete
  • Demotion & Clean Up
  • Doors, Windows, Glass
  • Drywall
  • Electrical
  • Finishes
  • Fixtures
  • General Trades
  • Interior Design
  • Lighting
  • Millwork
  • Painting
  • Plumbing