High-tech bathroom fixtures offer far more than just a user-friendly experience—here’s what you need to know.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think about the technology in your office’s restroom. But to keep your employees healthy and happy, consider installing touch-free restroom technology.

While it may seem like a small thing to invest in, the truth is that touch-free bathroom tech serves a purpose beyond convenience — it’s more hygienic, more eco-friendly, and can help keep costs low in the long run.

4 Reasons You Need Touch-Free Restroom Technology In Your Office



High-tech bathroom fixtures offer far more than just a user-friendly experience—here’s what you need to know.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think about the technology in your office’s restroom. But to keep your employees healthy and happy, consider installing touch-free restroom technology.

While it may seem like a small thing to invest in, the truth is that touch-free bathroom tech serves a purpose beyond convenience — it’s more hygienic, more eco-friendly, and can help keep costs low in the long run.

So while you may not have thought much about the reasons behind high-tech bathroom fixtures, they offer far more benefits than just a user-friendly experience. Let’s dive into why you should install automated, touch-free fixtures in your company’s bathroom.

1. Touch-Free Restroom Technology is More Hygienic

Have you ever thought about how many surfaces you come into contact within a public bathroom? Unfortunately, the light switch, door handle, toilet lever, soap dispenser, and bathroom faucet are often some of the most “high traffic” areas in the building. And they might not always get as much attention as they deserve in cleanings.

And it’s not just hands that carry germs. Due to the flushing action of the toilet, tiny microbes in the toilet bowl can become aerosolized, reaching as high as five feet in the air before landing on a surface.

So employees who have to touch doorknobs or toilet handles when they use the restroom are at risk of picking up germs. These germs can cause serious illness—especially if someone in your office is already sick.

Touch-free restroom technology, however, reduces this risk by allowing employees to use the bathroom without having to touch as many surfaces. An automated light switch, automatic toilet flusher, and touch-free faucet eliminate the number of surfaces you come into contact with during your trip to the toilet.

2. Do Your Part with Eco-Friendly Fixtures

There’s no denying that touch-free restroom technology is more eco-friendly than traditional options. Generally speaking, people tend to use more than they need in public restrooms.

We don’t often consider how much water, paper waste, and electricity we generate when using the toilet. But we often overestimate how much soap and water we need, and most of us reach for two paper towels when, realistically, one will do.

Here are a few ways you can help conserve resources in your company’s restroom:

By reducing the amount of water, waste, and electricity used, touch-free and eco-conscious bathroom systems help to conserve precious resources.

So next time you’re looking for a more eco-friendly option, consider touch-free restroom technology. It’s good for the environment, and it’s good for you too!

3. Save Money with Budget-Friendly Touch-Free Bathroom Technology

Touch-free bathroom technology isn’t just good for the planet. It’s good for your facilities budget! Unfortunately, we tend not to think too carefully about how much we use when we’re not paying. And while water, electricity, soap, toilet paper, and paper towels aren’t typically very expensive, the costs add up over time.

Thankfully touch-free bathroom technology offers a solution. For example, faucets that turn off automatically eliminate the possibility that you might accidentally leave the tap running or spend longer than necessary rinsing your hands.

Here are a few other ways to trim your facilities budget:

Although the upfront costs of installing touch-free technology in your company’s bathroom may be higher, facilities managers typically find that they save big bucks in the long run as people use fewer resources in their trips to the bathroom.

4. Touch-Free Fixtures are More User-Friendly

You might think user experience is just something that tech companies prioritize for seamless software. But in fact, user experience is an integral part of design. And touch-free fixtures provide a user-friendly bathroom experience by making life a little bit easier.

For example, have you ever walked into a room and had difficulty finding the light switch? It may seem like a small problem, but those minor annoyances are typically a case of bad user experience. Light switches should be placed in an intuitive spot – or, better yet, automated, so you don’t even have to think about turning the light on.

Touch-free hand dryers are another example of a big step forward in user-friendly bathroom technology. It can be hard to keep paper towels stocked, and paper towel dispensers are notoriously breakable. But with touch-free hand dryers, you wave your hands to begin the drying process. Plus, you don’t have to worry about generating paper waste. So it’s user-friendly for your maintenance team, too!

The fact is, touch-free restroom technology makes life just a little bit easier. And these small measures are an easy way to show people that you prioritize the small things as much as the big picture.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a way to improve the health and happiness of your workforce, consider installing touch-free restroom technology in your office. Not only will you save time and money, but you’ll also make your work environment that much more comfortable for your employees. And by making just a few eco-friendly changes to the company bathroom, you can drastically reduce your carbon footprint.

If you’re ready to begin your office renovations, contact us today to get started. We’ll work with you to create a plan that meets your needs and budget and ensure the process is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Tom White


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