Office waiting room

Your Guide to a Successful Office Move




Whether you’re a small business owner or the CEO of a large company, overseeing an office move will take equal portions of energy, organizational skills and assistance to make it happen as successfully as possible.

Relocation Committee

Once your budget and moving date are decided, assistance should come from a committee that includes staff from the HR, IT and communications departments, department managers, security advisors, the office manager and the cleaning crew. This relocation committee is supposed to help you make the transition to the new location easier, so include anyone you think can contribute their knowledge and expertise.

Maintain Communication

The next task is to decide how to keep everyone, including employees and clients, informed and up to date about the move. Members of the relocation committee should have access to a web page where meeting notes, assignments, completed tasks, deadlines and meeting dates are posted. To keep the rest of your staff informed of events, changes and updates post information on your interoffice Facebook page. Be sure the site gives the staff the opportunity to ask questions and post info they think would be of help. On your company website, maintain a section for your clients and vendors that features info about the move and how the change will be an asset. Be diligent about sending monthly emails to keep everyone aware of your progress. You want the info to be positive, so your staff, clients and vendors will feel comfortable and confident about the changes.


The following is an office-moving plan that lists tips and thoughts to help you, your relocation team and your staff prepare for the big move!

Final Check

Take a walk through the old building and check that all is ready to go. Verify for a final time when the cleaning staff and maintenance crew will arrive to do the final cleaning. Walk through the new building checking power, water, heating and air conditioning and see that desk locations are marked. Take photos of any damage to walls and carpeting and guarantee all is clean and ready to go.

Tom White


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