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Top 10 Construction Safety Topics For Office Renovation




Before you start tearing down walls, here are the top ten construction safety topics you should make sure you have covered before you begin your office renovation.

Renovating your office is an excellent way to ensure you make a stellar first impression on your clients. In addition, it keeps your business looking sharp and can increase employee productivity.

But renovations are an enormous undertaking, and it’s important to be aware of potential safety hazards during the construction process. So before you start tearing down walls, here are the top ten construction safety topics to cover with your team before you begin your office renovation.

1. Start With Communication

The first step to safely tackling an office renovation is ensuring everyone involved in the project is on the same page. Develop a clear and concise plan for the renovation and go over it with your employees, contractors, and other relevant parties. Office renovations can be disruptive, so set expectations in advance and keep everyone updated on the construction schedule.

Let employees and customers know the building will be under construction and which areas they won’t be able to access. Put up signs, use social media, and send emails to ensure everyone is in the loop. This strategy will help people avoid construction areas and stay safe.

2. Consider Relocating Employees

Once it’s time for construction to begin, you’ll need to decide what to do with your employees. If possible, it’s best to relocate employees to another area of the building during construction. Doing so will minimize distractions and disruptions for employees and help them stay focused on their work. If relocating your employees isn’t an option, ensure they have a dedicated workspace away from the construction area.

3. Keep The Construction Area Secure

One of the most significant risks of office renovations is unauthorized access to the construction site. Be sure you hire renovation professionals that can efficiently manage the entry of authorized personnel into the construction area. Your commercial renovation company should also diligently enforce proper safety gear in active construction zones.

Keep office doors and windows locked throughout the project and secure the perimeter during off-hours. You may need security cameras and alarms to protect the area from unauthorized entry.

4. Dust Control

One huge risk is tiny enough to go unseen—dust particles. However, don’t underestimate the hazard of fine dust particles, which can cause severe respiratory problems. To combat this, you’ll want to hire a company that performs masterful dust control techniques that prevent dust from overtaking your workspace.

Your commercial renovation company may use negative air pressure machines to prevent dust from spreading. Additional measures include sealing off active construction areas to prevent dust from becoming airborne and using HEPA filters to remove fine particles from the air.

5. Noise Control

Once construction begins, the noise level in your office will increase significantly. Noise can be disruptive for employees and customers, so look for a renovation company that takes proper measures to reduce the noise. If construction must take place during business hours, provide employees with earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to help reduce distractions and increase productivity.

6. Dealing with Construction Waste

There’s another major concern that comes with office renovations—waste. Unfortunately, office renovations generate a lot of waste, including construction materials, drywall, carpeting, and old furniture.

Some commercial renovation companies will include waste removal in their contract, while others will charge an additional fee. Get enough dumpsters or other storage containers for all the waste and place them in an accessible but out-of-the-way location.

Should you decide to place the dumpsters in the parking lot, you need to have a plan for overflow parking. In that case, you may need to ask employees to park in a different location near the office.

7. Safety Equipment & Procedures

Communication is vital when it comes to employee safety during office renovations. Are employees expected to be at the office during the renovation process? In that case, there are a few things you’ll want to prepare them for.

First, you should review the required safety gear they’ll need if and when they enter the construction zone. Then, train employees on the new safety procedures so they understand the risks of being in a construction zone.

8. Emergency Exit Pathways

One of the most crucial safety concerns during office renovations is clarifying emergency exit pathways. For example, if a fire or other emergency were to break out, you need to make sure everyone can evacuate the building quickly and safely.

During the renovations, keep all doors and stairwells clear and have a well-marked evacuation route. You should also have a plan for where employees will go in an evacuation. This may include assigning someone responsible for escorting employees to the exit or having a designated meeting place outside the building.

9. Construction Safety Signage

Visual safety signage is critical for keeping everyone safe, both employees and customers. Safety signage should be placed throughout the construction site, including off-limits areas for employees and customers. The signage should be clearly visible and easy to understand.

Some common types of safety signage include:

10. Take Advantage of Off-Hours

If you want to minimize the disruption to your business, you should hire a commercial renovation company that can work during quiet hours. Some companies (like Indecca) are willing to start working after your office closes for the day and finish before it opens in the morning.

Not only does this schedule help reduce noise levels, but it also allows employees to remain focused on their work during the day. It will also give the construction crew more time to work, which can help reduce the overall length of the project.

Final Thoughts

Office renovations can be a big undertaking, but with proper planning and preparation, they can be completed safely and efficiently. By following these tips, you can minimize the disruption to your business and survive your upcoming office renovation.

Indecca is a specialist commercial renovation firm. Our commitment as a team is a culture of care for everyone we work with. We strive to create inviting and practical interiors so our clients can recruit and retain the talent they need to better serve their customers.

If you’re ready to begin your office renovations, contact us today to get started. We’ll work with you to create a plan that meets your needs and budget and ensure the process is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Tom White


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